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About Our Solar Photovoltaic Products

It is not recommended to install wire protection net. Because the installation of iron wire protective mesh on the photovoltaic array may cause shadow on the part of the module, forming hot spot effect, and affect the power generation efficiency of the entire photovoltaic power station. In addition, as all qualified photovoltaic modules have passed the ice hockey impact test, protective nets are generally not required.

It is recommended to select the system accessory products certified by the national certification authority. The key components, material model, specification and manufacturer should be consistent with the certified products. In addition, the specifications, models and technical parameters of all system accessories shall match the design scheme of the whole system. Generally speaking, the components shall be guaranteed for at least 20 years, and the inverters shall be guaranteed for at least 5 years.

The power generation monitoring data of the distributed photovoltaic grid connected system is not necessarily the same as the metering data of the electricity meter. If the same electricity metering equipments are used at the same grid point with the same accuracy, the data obtained should be the same. However, the monitoring equipment used by the PV grid connected system is often the equipment used by the system construction unit itself, while the metering equipment of the electricity meter is often the equipment installed by the power sector, so there may be some gaps in the data obtained due to different equipment. The error depends on the specific situation. The settlement of electricity charges and subsidies is based on the metering equipment installed by the power sector.

Each power grid enterprise cooperates with the energy competent department at the same level to carry out the measurement, information monitoring and statistics of distributed photovoltaic power generation within the coverage of the power grid at the same level. If the photovoltaic system is equipped with the corresponding monitoring system, online monitoring of power generation can be realized. In addition, the monitoring system can monitor the key equipment parameters, power quality, environmental parameters, etc. online.

The power quality analyzer can be used to test the power quality at the grid point of the power station to see whether it meets the national standard requirements. If the requirements are met, the photovoltaic grid connected system will work stably. In general, the protection device will cut off the power supply in case of photovoltaic system failure, so it will not damage the household appliances.

After the power grid is cut off, the household distributed photovoltaic power generation system will generally be out of operation and cannot generate electricity normally. However, in some extreme cases, islanding may occur, that is, after the power grid is cut off, the household distributed photovoltaic power generation system continues to operate with part of the load, affecting the personal safety of maintenance personnel, and there is a possibility of damage to household appliances and grid facilities. Therefore, the distributed photovoltaic system must have anti-islanding function.

  1. If you have handled financial services when installing the photovoltaic power generation system, users also need to pay bank loans;
  2. If your power generation system does not generate enough power for user’s own use, users also need to pay normal electricity bills (generally enough for families);
  3. The cost of system maintenance in the later period (generally very low).

grid quality problems such as high grid voltage and abnormal frequency will cause inverter outage, and the system will automatically recover after the grid is restored.

It is recommended to select components from famous brands. They have passed the authoritative monitoring certification around the world, passed the salt spray and ammonia corrosion resistance tests, and have excellent power generation performance in low light environment. After 20 years of use, the power generation performance of the module can still maintain more than 80%.

The use of light will be affected by large dust pollution sources ,large sandstorms and thick smoke around the photovoltaic power generation system, which will lead to a decline in power generation.

The benefits are different. For distributed photovoltaic power generation, the state and local governments are currently providing quota subsidies. Therefore, the PV kilowatt hour income is directly affected by the household electricity price level. The electricity price for industrial and commercial use is 0.8-1.4 yuan per kilowatt hour, that for large industries is 0.6-0.8 yuan per kilowatt hour, that for public utilities is 0.5-0.6 yuan per kilowatt hour, and that for government, schools, hospitals, institutions, agriculture and residents is 0.3-0.5 yuan per kilowatt hour, Therefore, the benefits of adopting quota subsidy for unit electricity for distributed photovoltaic projects installed in different buildings or different buildings or power users are different, which requires developers to judge and decide whether the project is cost-effective.

The grid connection voltage of the distributed photovoltaic system is mainly determined by the installed capacity of the system. The specific grid connection voltage shall be determined according to the approval of the grid company’s access system. For general household use, 220V is selected to be connected to the power grid, and for commercial use, 380V is selected to be connected to the power grid.

The color can be the same or similar to that of the building as far as possible. For light transmission, the building’s requirements for light should be considered. It should not only meet the indoor demand for light and avoid secondary lighting, but also make full use of the building space and area, reasonably select the size and shape, and do a good job of balance and optimization, as well as professional technical design.

After the installation of the distributed photovoltaic power generation system is completed, the grid company will carry out the inspection and acceptance of grid connection. After the acceptance is qualified, two meters will be installed at the owner’s home. The two meters will measure the power generation of the photovoltaic system and the electricity consumption of the municipal electricity respectively. The simplest way is to look at the electricity meter. As long as the electricity meter at the photovoltaic system terminal is running, it is using the solar cell module to generate electricity.

The lines of the photovoltaic system are divided into the DC part and the AC part, which need to be wired separately. The AC part shall be connected to the power grid, and the network point shall be set at the electricity meter position on the user side, so as to finally form a connection with the existing electrical system in the user’s home.

The power grid company does not charge any service fees for grid connection application acceptance, access system scheme formulation, access system engineering design review, metering device installation, contract and agreement signing, grid connection acceptance and commissioning, government subsidy metering and settlement services.

It cannot be replaced immediately. If it is necessary, it is recommended to replace it in the morning or late afternoon. The operation and maintenance personnel of the power station shall be contacted in time and replaced by professional personnel.

Distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are equipped with lightning protection devices, so they do not need to be disconnected. It is recommended to disconnect the circuit breaker switch of the combiner box and the circuit connection with the photovoltaic module for safety, so as to avoid the harm caused by direct lightning strike that cannot be removed by the lightning protection module. The operation and maintenance personnel shall timely detect the performance of the lightning protection module to avoid the harm caused by the failure of the lightning protection module.

Flammable and explosive materials are not allowed to be stacked near the distributed power generation system. Once a fire occurs, the loss of personnel and property is incalculable. In addition to the basic fire safety inspection measures, the photovoltaic system is specially required to have the functions of self-detection, arc and fire identification to reduce the possibility of fire. In addition, fire protection and maintenance access must be reserved every 40 meters at most, and emergency DC system circuit breaker must be available for easy operation.

The hazards of Lightning is mainly divided into two kinds: direct lightning strike and indirect lightning strike.

Protection against direct lightning strike: metal lightning conductor shall be set on tall buildings to release the huge charge of thunderstorm cloud.

Protection against induced lightning: adding lightning arrester in photovoltaic system, that is, adding lightning protection module in electrical equipment such as combiner box and inverter to protect against indirect lightning.

If the power generated by the distributed photovoltaic power generation project cannot meet the power demand of the corresponding power users of the project, the power grid enterprise must assume the same responsibility for power supply as ordinary power users.

For this operation mode, the photovoltaic grid connection point is set at the load side of the user’s electricity meter, so it is necessary to add a metering meter for photovoltaic reverse power transmission or set the grid electricity meter to two-way metering. The photovoltaic electricity directly used by the user will directly enjoy the sales price of the receiving network in the way of saving electricity costs, and the reverse power transmission will be measured separately and settled at the specified grid price

The power generation of the photovoltaic system is indeed affected by temperature, but the impact is very small. The factors that directly affect the power generation are the radiation intensity, sunlight and the working temperature of the solar cell modules. In winter, the temperature is relatively low and the sunshine duration is short, so the power generation is generally less than in summer, which is also a normal phenomenon.

The power generated by the daytime distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be stored for night lighting, which requires adding electrical components such as controller and battery. During the day, the controller stores the power generated by photovoltaic in the battery, and at night, the controller releases the power stored by the battery for lighting. In the absence of energy storage equipment, if the power grid is cut off, the system will stop working, but if the grid connected inverter is replaced with an intelligent micro grid inverter (grid connected and off grid hybrid inverter), the system can still operate normally.

Photovoltaic cell modules can also generate electricity under certain weak light. The haze does have an impact on photovoltaic power generation, but the impact on power generation efficiency does not exceed 5% (except for severe haze). Generally, the power generation in rainy days is only about 10% – 20% of the normal amount. Due to continuous rainy or haze weather and low solar irradiance, if the operating voltage of the photovoltaic system cannot reach the starting voltage of the inverter, the system will not work. The grid connected power generation system and the distribution network operate in parallel. When the photovoltaic system cannot meet the load requirements and does not work, the power of the grid will be automatically supplemented. There is no problem of power shortage and power failure.

No, because the system monitoring is fully automatic. It will start and close itself without manual control.

The extreme working environment temperature range of PV modules is – 40 ℃ to 85 ℃. It is recommended to install PV modules in an environment with a temperature range of – 20 ℃ to 50 ℃. This temperature is the lowest and highest monthly average temperature of the installation site. There is no requirement for the altitude of the module installation, but the altitude limit of other supporting electrical and gas equipment should be considered.

As long as there is sunlight, the photovoltaic modules will have electricity, so the power supply cannot be cut off when there is sunlight, and the corresponding voltage to the ground will be very high due to the accumulation of serial voltage. Therefore, the installation process shall strictly comply with the installation and operation instructions provided by the system supplier and be completed by professional installation personnel. The wiring part of the equipment is installed with professional connectors, and the protection grade is IP65. The electrical equipment is also protected by air switches, which can prevent the leakage current from harming people. Meanwhile, pay attention to the protection against rainy and snowy weather. Specific requirements are as follows:

  1. When installing components, please use insulated tools, and do not wear metal ornaments.
  2. Do not disconnect electrical connections under load.
  3. Keep the plug dry and clean, and do not insert other metal objects into the plug or conduct electrical connection in any other way.
  4. Do not touch or operate the PV module with broken glass, detached frame and damaged backplane, unless the module is disconnected from the electrical connection and you wear personal protective equipment.
  5. If the components are wet, do not touch the components, except when cleaning the component, but operate according to the requirements of the component cleaning manual. Never touch the wet plug without wearing personal protective equipment or rubber gloves.

Conventional silicon modules provide a 10-year limited product quality warranty, that is, they can be repaired or replaced within ten years. In addition, they also provide a 25 year limited peak power warranty, that is, they can guarantee that the peak power attenuation of the modules is within a certain range.

Common aging phenomena of crystalline silicon modules include battery chip cracking, hot spot, EVA yellowing, back plate cracking, snail pattern, etc. Visible to the naked eye. Although invisible to the naked eye, hot spot, junction box faulty soldering, diode failure, electrothermal induced attenuation, etc., these all will lead to serious uneven heating and significant reduction in power generation of the internal battery chip of the module, which can be detected by technical means. Through the regular patrol inspection and power generation tracking of the components, if it is found that there are obvious abnormalities in the appearance of the components or the power generation decreases dramatically, it is suspected that the components may fail. It is suggested that qualified photovoltaic power stations should be equipped with infrared thermal imagers to quickly find and locate problem modules by detecting the temperature difference of the facial mask on the surface of photovoltaic modules. If any component fails, please contact the manufacturer for analysis and handling in time, and do not repair the failed component by yourself.

The owner can make a preliminary judgment from several aspects. First, check the appearance of the system, such as components, arrays, combiner boxes, etc. If problems are found, such as component damage, shielding, dust, etc., corresponding measures can be taken to solve them in a timely manner; Check whether the system components used by the power station construction contractor have quality certificates. In addition, the safety of the system shall be tested on site, such as grounding continuity, insulation, whether there is lightning protection device, etc; The electrical efficiency of the system also needs to be tested. If problems are found, the power station construction unit should be asked to solve them in time.

When the user finds that the power generation of the system is reduced in the same time period, or compared with the adjacent power generation system with the same installed capacity. The system may be abnormal. The user can find out whether a string of modules in the photovoltaic array has faults in time through the abnormal fluctuation of the monitoring data in the combiner box, and then contact the professional personnel to diagnose the system with the clamp meter, thermal imager and other professional equipment, and finally find out the components in the system that have problems.

According to the relevant national laws and regulations, the roof distributed photovoltaic power generation system is not illegal construction. As long as the application is submitted through legal channels and the photovoltaic power station is reasonably designed and built, the national grid will connect to the grid and issue subsidies on time. At present, we have very mature market experience in the construction and installation of home photovoltaic power generation system. There is no need to rebuild the house, and we can determine whether it can be installed according to the roof conditions. No matter before or after construction, there is no effect. The components have beautiful appearance, uniform color, and good integration with the building, which is very suitable for roof power generation projects.

First of all, according to the hail test results in the product description, its photovoltaic modules can withstand the hail impact with the highest speed of 44m/s and diameter of 35mm. The compression resistance of the modules has been certified by international professional institutions when working in other harsh environments. Secondly, we generally recommend that the owners find a formal insurance company to underwrite the solar power plants, As long as you buy insurance, you will get corresponding claims in case of natural disasters.

The principle of wind power is to convert mechanical potential energy into electrical energy. The rotation of the fan has certain noise pollution, which has a certain effect on the ecological environment. Therefore, cities should not be built, but are generally built in desert or shallow sea areas. Photovoltaic power generation uses solar panels to absorb solar radiation and convert it into electrical energy. There are no mechanical work, no noise pollution, and no radiation. At present, there are two types of applications of photovoltaic power stations, one is large-scale ground power stations, it is mainly distributed in the sparsely populated areas in the northwest, the other type is distributed photovoltaic power stations, such as family roofs, industrial and commercial roofs, and fish light complementation. Neither of these two modes will cause climate and ecological damage, but will reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve the quality of the ecological environment.

  • It is recommended not to use different models of modules in the same solar photovoltaic system. When components are connected in series, the voltage of each string shall not exceed the maximum system voltage. Formula for maximum number of components in series; Component system voltage (1.25 * open circuit voltage)
  • When the components are connected in parallel, it is recommended that the output current of the whole series of components be equal to the sum of the current of each branch component or assembly string. Each string of components shall be equipped with fuses, which can refer to national or regional or local specifications. The maximum number of components in parallel shall refer to the formula: maximum protection current/short-circuit current+1
  1. It is recommended that all uncharged metal parts and equipment casings in the photovoltaic power generation system should be grounded, such as photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic module supports, inverter casings, parallel cages, etc. All photovoltaic modules have prefabricated grounding holes, which can be directly connected in series for protective grounding. The grounding terminal of the inverter can be directly grounded separately or connected in parallel with the base line of the grid connected cabinet.

  2. After the installation of the system and before the trial operation, the insulation test shall be carried out. The insulation tester shall use a megger, and the insulation test should be conducted by two electrical personnel.

Generally, inverters in the corresponding power range are configured according to the system requirements. The power of the selected inverter should match the maximum power of the photovoltaic cell array. Generally, the rated output power of the photovoltaic inverter is close to the total input power, which can save costs.

Generally speaking, the matching ratio is 1:1, but the inverter has the ratio ability to match more than 1.2 times.

The full name of MPPT is maximum power point tracking, which means that the inverter will always keep the output power of the solar module at the maximum value The initiator of this function is the inverter, and the object of action is the component MPPT efficiency, which is one of the key indicators to measure whether the inverter can generate power efficiently.

IP65 represents the protection level of the inverter. Generally, the series inverter needs to reach the protection level of IP65 to ensure that it can be installed outdoors and has the functions of defense and sun protection.

The inverter has a variety of monitoring methods, including wired and wireless monitoring methods. Wired monitoring can conduct data acquisition and conversion through RS485 interface to Ethernet interface to access the Internet monitoring cloud platform

Wireless monitoring can access the Internet monitoring cloud platform by selecting WIFI or GPRS/3G modules on the RS232 interface. After entering the Internet cloud monitoring cloud platform, owners can view the inverter related data information through the website and mobile phone APP at the same time.

First of all, the inverter needs to be connected to the Internet monitoring cloud platform, and then the customer can timely submit various problems encountered in the installation, operation and commissioning of the inverter by using the mobile phone APP client. Professional inverter customer service personnel can timely give diagnosis and treatment opinions in the background by analyzing the inverter’s historical operation data information, so that the customer’s problems can be handled quickly and efficiently.

No, as long as the system is installed according to the installation design of the photovoltaic system, with firm wiring and good grounding, such problems will not occur.

Damage to the surface of the module will lead to abnormal power generation of the module, which may cause electric leakage.

No, the products have passed the national CQC certification and meet the requirements of the use standards of the photovoltaic industry, and we provide a five-year free warranty.

There are many reasons for the low power generation of the inverter, which should be eliminated from all aspects. First, confirm whether the matching between the photovoltaic panel and the inverter is reasonable, and then check whether the photovoltaic panel and the inverter work normally, and whether the wiring of each component is firm.

Yes, the product is designed according to IP65. As long as it is not immersed in water, it can work normally. However, during outdoor installation, it is necessary to ensure that the machine is not directly exposed to the sun, or it will cause overheating and load reduction.

In theory, there will be a little, because the inverter output terminal has a filter circuit. However, the power consumption is extremely low, which should be less than one kilowatt hour per month.

At present, the materials of PV support mainly include aluminum alloy (A16005-T5 surface anodized), stainless steel (304), and galvanized steel (Q235 hot-dip galvanized). Among them, stainless steel has the highest cost, good weather resistance, and high recyclable value.

Aluminum alloy support is generally used for solar energy application on the roof of civil buildings. Aluminum alloy has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, light weight, beauty and durability, but its bearing capacity is low, so it cannot be used in large-scale solar power plant projects. In addition, the price of aluminum alloy is slightly higher than that after hot-dip galvanized steel.

The galvanized steel support has stable performance, mature manufacturing process, high bearing capacity and simple installation, and is widely used in civil and industrial solar photovoltaic and solar power plants

For the ground photovoltaic support system, the common ground photovoltaic system generally adopts the form of concrete strip (block) foundation. The challenges faced by the design scheme of solar photovoltaic bracket and any type of solar PV bracket design scheme, the most important feature is weather resistance. The structure must be reliable and able to withstand atmospheric erosion, wind load and other external effects. Safe and reliable installation, maximum use effect with minimum installation cost, almost maintenance free, and reliable maintenance are important factors to consider when selecting a scheme.

Photovoltaic bracket manufacturers need to face customer needs,When customers know their products, publishing the detailed parameters of the products is actually an act of trust. Normally, Normally, for the selection of PV, it is unnecessary to focus on the parameters when choosing for non-professional users. It doesn’t mean that parameters are not important, but when users cannot understand many parameters, manufacture should focus on introducing the details from other side, and then compare the parameters after preliminary understanding. Different materials and treatments for the same parameters will vary a lot. This is one of the reasons why brand products are still expensive despite their relatively low parameter performance.

The selection of solar support materials and installation methods requires strict calculation. In addition, it is affected by factors such as installation site, land, climate and environment. Weather resistance is also one of the criteria for selection. If the installation site is soft, it can be fixed by ground anchor. If the historical maximum wind speed or maximum snow amount are within a certain range, materials that can meet the requirements and have low cost can be appropriately selected. In addition, factors such as maintenance and material recycling need to be considered.

It is recommended to select the bracket of a famous brand. Generally, it has passed the authoritative monitoring certification around the world, passed the salt spray and ammonia corrosion resistance tests, and has excellent corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance period can be up to 25 years.

According to the user manual of the product supplier, the components t need to be checked regularly are maintained. The main maintenance work of the system is to wipe the components. In areas with heavy rain, manual wiping is generally not required, clean once a month in non-rainy seasons. Wiping times can be increased appropriately in areas with large amount of dust fall. In areas with large amount of snow fall, thick snow should be removed in time to avoid affecting power generation and uneven shielding caused by snow melting, trees or debris that block components should be cleaned in time.

In order to avoid electric shock injury and possible damage to the module caused by wiping the module under high temperature and strong light, it is recommended to clean the module in the morning or late afternoon. It is recommended to use a soft brush and clean mild water when cleaning the glass surface of the photovoltaic module. The cleaning force should be small to avoid damage to the glass surface. Components with coated glass should pay attention to avoid damage to the coating layer.

Note: Do not try to clean a component with broken glass or perforated back plate, which may cause serious electric shock.

If the system has problems during the warranty period, you can contact the installer or the operation and maintenance provider to explain the system problems. The installer or the operation and maintenance provider will answer according to the user’s description. If the problems can’t be solved, they will send the professional person to the site for maintenance.

It is recommended to select products with good reputation and after-sales service for various components and materials of the system.

Qualified products can reduce the occurrence of failure rate. Users should strictly abide by the user manual of system products and regularly inspect, clean and maintain the system

It is preferred to maintain the system in the early morning or evening when the light is weak and the system is not running. During maintenance, take protective measures, wear insulating gloves and use insulating tools.

The distributed photovoltaic power generation system can be installed in any place with sunlight, including the ground, the top of buildings, side facades, balconies, etc. Among them, it is most widely used in schools, hospitals, shopping malls, villas, residents, factories, roofs of enterprises and institutions, car sheds, and the top of bus stops; The installation methods include concrete, color steel plate and tile type.

It cannot be replaced immediately when the sun is hot at noon. It is recommended to replace it in the morning or late afternoon. The users should contact the operation and maintenance personnel, the professional person will replace them.

The distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are all equipped with lightning protection devices, so there is no need to cut them off. For safety, it is recommended to disconnect the breaker switch of the combiner box. Cut off the circuit connection with the photovoltaic module to avoid the harm caused by direct lightning strike that cannot be removed by the lightning protection module. The operation and maintenance personnel shall detect the performance of the lightning protection module in time to avoid the harm caused by the failure of the lightning protection module.

First of all, DC combiner box, inverter and other equipment lines have the overload protection function. When abnormal voltages such as lightning strike and leakage occur, they will automatically close and disconnect, so there is no safety problem. Secondly, the surfaces of photovoltaic modules are made of super impact resistant tempered glass. they have passed rigorous tests in EU certification and can withstand wind pressure of 200Pa and snow pressure of 7200Pa. It is difficult to damage photovoltaic panels in general natural climate. In addition, each PV module can operate independently, even if one module is damaged, other modules can work normally.

If the components are shielded, the power generation efficiency of the system will be reduced, and the power generation will be significantly less than that of other unobstructed systems.

The electrical characteristics of the solar cells used in each module are basically the same, otherwise the so-called hot spot effect will be generated on the cells with poor electrical performance or blocked (problem cells). The shielded solar cell module in a series branch will be used as a load to consume the energy generated by other illuminated solar cell modules. At this time, the shielded solar cell module will generate heat, which is called hot spot phenomenon. This phenomenon can seriously damage the solar cell. Part of the energy generated by the solar cells with light may be consumed by the shielded cells. In order to avoid the hot spot of the series branch, it is necessary to install a bypass diode on the photovoltaic module. In order to prevent the hot spot of the parallel circuit, it is necessary to install a DC fuse on each PV group string.